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On a rainy day

Today I had decided that I would go out, and take some photos. But this is much easier said then done.

I grabbed my shoes and my small camera and headed outside, onto my front porch, where I turned on the camera to discover, it’s batteries are dying (no real surprise there) so I rush back inside to grab a couple double A batteries and return to my project at hand, but as I enter our art-room/library/computer room/ dinning room, I find we have no batteries, and not even the charger is in it’s place; desperate for batteries, I find my small CD player (the cd player is much less picky with batteries and will take them when there nearly dead, so it wasn’t the best alternative) To my delight, the batteries would work 😀 so I set out to find the perfect pictures

 Tress in black and white

The autumn trees in black and white 😀 just beautiful to me

Our Little tractor looks like it’s ready to do some plowing in the garden, but unfortunately, it’s out of gas at the moment 😥


By this point on my expedition, it was already beginning to mist on me, making my camera screen a little wet, but otherwise unharmed

  Next years wood piles, I predict a warm winter 🙂

By this point, the rain was getting a bit harder, still manageable though

And By this point, I was trying to get down the small bump of a hill to get under the shed, from the sprinkling rain, that appeared to be coming down harder and harder, fortunately it only lasted for a few seconds and went back to misting 😀

The Second little shed that we have currently in our yard, thats not including a green house filled with little tomato plants, and an outhouse in the woods which is never used (We still prefer out indoor plumbing)

And now I close this blog, with one last picture of our little tractor, now in color, so pretty 😀

Hello there, it’s me Pinky, a nickname given to me by my dad when I was first born, and and forever used by my mom Matermuse. I guess after having the nickname for sixteen years I should already be used to it

Anyway, this blog will be a blog for photographs I take, and whatever else I find important enough to post 😀

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